How does Coachella taste to someone with synaesthesia?
Over the next few weeks, hundreds of thousands of people will descend on the Coachella Valley to experience two weekends of awesome music. Not everyone will experience that music in the same way though…
Synaesthesia is a neurological condition which links senses that are normally experienced separately. There are many different types of synaesthesia. For example, some synaesthetes may ‘see’ colors when they read a word. Others have lexical-gustatory synaethesia, which means they experience certain flavors when they hear a song or sound.
To celebrate Coachella and shed light on this remarkable condition, we decided to ask synaesthete Joel D. Terry to listen to some of the festival’s biggest artists and tell us which flavors he experienced. We’ve recreated his experiences as a Coachella-style poster and, as you can see, it’s a weird and wonderful menu!
Below is the full list of songs, artists and tastes Joel experienced. If you’d like to learn more about synaesthesia, check out the American Synaesthesia Association’s website.
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