T-Mobile iPhone X Trade in

Find out how much cash you can make when you trade in your T-Mobile iPhone X by selecting the gigabyte size (GB) of your device.


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Get paid by direct deposit or PayPal!

Sell Your T-Mobile iPhone X

Sending your iPhone X back to T-Mobile? Take into consideration you may not get the best price for it.

Trade in your T-Mobile iPhone X with Decluttr instead today!

Want to sell your iPhone? Decluttr is the best place to trade in a T-Mobile phone!

  • We pay up to 33% more than carriers including T-Mobile
  • We’ll pay you in cash for your trade in via PayPal or Direct Deposit. Whereas if you send your device back to T-Mobile you’ll be given credit and tied to the carrier.
  • We’ll pay the first price we offer for your iPhone X or we’ll send it back to you for FREE! If you send your phone back to T-Mobile you won’t get it back.
  • Our Fast Payments means you’ll get paid when your items are fully processed (this usually happens the day after your items arrive).
  • If your device is damaged, don’t worry: we accept water damaged and cosmetically damaged phones.
  • We’ve paid hundreds of millions to our happy customers and are a BBB accredited business.

Trade in your T-Mobile iPhone X today!

Thinking "I wish there was an easy way to sell my phone?" There is! Just follow these simple steps:

  1. Get a free instant valuation today! Simply tell us the condition of your iPhone X - choose from ‘Good’, ‘Poor’ and ‘Faulty’. State which storage your phone has by choosing between 64GB or 256GB. Make sure to choose T-Mobile as your carrier.
  2. Put your iPhone X in a secure box and ship it to us for FREE!
  3. We'll pay by direct deposit or PayPal when your items are processed (this is usually the day after they arrive).

For more information about the selling process, check out our how it works page.

Plus, you can sell your T-Mobile iPhone XS Max, T-Mobile iPhone XS, T-Mobile iPhone XR or make a T-Mobile iPhone 11 trade in today. 

We encourage customers to reset their device to delete any personal information. Follow these steps:

  1. Sign out of iCloud before deleting content and settings
  2. Delete content and settings
  3. Remove SIM card
  4. Unpair any devices such as an Apple Watch

We accept damaged phones if they are cosmetically or water damaged. Categorize your device as ‘Faulty’. For more information about selling a damaged phone, head over to our broken phones page.

Get fast cash for your T-Mobile iPhone!